

High-tech, high-touch.
I figure that if someone is in my office, it's because their life is basically in the crapper. My electronics and desk are all glass and black, so I quite deliberately added a few calming touches to my lair.

My favorite touch is the little tabletop fountain directly behind my desk. One of my partners inspired me to do this, and we in turn have inspired a third partner to add a tabletop fountain in her office. I have added to mine a rock that has the word "Simplify" carved directly into the rock. How this will help me I don't know, but hey! it's a goal to aspire to.

I dropped the Treo in the fountain while taking this picture, but although it did not improve the picture it also did not appear to harm the Treo.

On the other hand, since I am after all a lawyer, perhaps I should add fog.

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